The best kind of love: Family love❤️


Me and my girl were working on the drawing to celebrate International Family Day a few days ago. While telling her about our family(maternal and paternal side), I started dwelling on the fact that how blessed we are to have such a loving and wonderful family. It also made me think of some realizations that I have had in life earlier, and also during this pandemic time.

With time I have realized that the most happy people are the ones who just love their family. Happy are the people who can't get enough of their family. They are content, involved in their family, celebrating life with their family, and busy making memories with them.

I will be honest to say that there came a time when I used to think that it just cant be me, my hubby and my girl all the time. It gets boring , monotonous, and a little too overwhelming at times. I started looking for happiness in other people, only to realize that the dynamics out of the home are even tougher to handle. I got emotionally hurt a few times until a very wise woman(a very dear friend of mine) told me that once you start being content with your family, make them a priority, you will be the happiest.

Of course, not everybody feels the same. We do need time with our friends, make new acquaintances, socialize and everything. But life has taught me that depending on anybody else for your happiness is just not gonna work. Ultimately we find our comfort in our husband, in our mother, in our dad, in our family only. And I say this with a lot of conviction because I don't tell/write anything unless I have tried and tested it myself.

This pandemic has brought me even closer to my family. To the one where life started and to my chosen family(the one I married to) both. I talk more often to them now, I am so eager to know about their well being every next day. Have also connected to the members of the distant family too in this lockdown period. I have realized that life is too unpredictable and family too precious.

Nothing and no one can replace family. Its crucial that we spend more time with them, connect with them more often, do not hold grudges for things that happened in past. There might have been some unpleasant situations in past, but can we not forget about them at this pandemic time. Can we not communicate and resolve those issues? Can we not send a text or even better to pick up the phone and call, to know how they are holding up in this tough time? These are not normal times, and the love and care of family is what will get us through. 

I just want to say that family is the one where we spend some of our most formative years and family is also the one which we choose and spend rest of our life with. Let's celebrate them all. Let's love them a little more. Let's work on the issues. Let's think of the good times. Let's think of the not-so-good times, when they were standing by us. Let's be together in these tough times. Together we will thrive and survive!

P.S.: This is totally my opinion based on my experiences in life.

Also, please take a closer look at our drawing:

Thanks for reading❤️

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